Latest News: Jan, 2022: Jonathan Carpenter joined our team as an MS student. Jan, 2022: Henrique's manuscript has been accepted! Haas, H., L. Kalin, P. Srivastava (2022), “Improved forest dynamics leads to better hydrological predictions in watershed modeling”, Science of The Total Environment. Nov, 2021: Henrique's manuscript has been accepted! Haas, H., N. Reaver, R. Karki, L. Kalin, P. Srivastava, D. Kaplan, C. Gonzalez-Benecke (2021), “Improving the Representation of Forests in Hydrologic Models”, Science of The Total Environment. Oct, 2021: Henrique's manuscript has been accepted! Haas, H., F. Dosdogru, L. Kalin, H. Yen (2021), “Soft Data in Hydrologic Modeling: Prediction of Ecologically Relevant Flows with Alternate Land Use/Land Cover Data”, Water. Oct, 2021: Dr. Kalin received the Clinton McClure Endowed Professorship. Sep, 2021: We received a new grant from the Alabama Center of Excellence: "Assessing the Function and Vulnerability of Forested Wetlands in the Mobile-Tensaw-Apalachee River Delta". Aug, 2021: Ana Flavia Brancalion Costa joined our team as a new PhD student. Aug, 2021: Junhao's manuscript has been accepted! He, J., M. Hantush, L. Kalin, M. Rezaeianzadeh, S. Isik (2021), “A Two-Layer Numerical Model of Soil Moisture Dynamics: Model Development”, Journal of Hydrology. Jul, 2021: Dr. Kalin selected for Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to conduct research in Brazil. May, 2021: Junhao He successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Junhao! Mar, 2021: Ritesh's manuscript has been accepted! Karki, R., P. Srivastava, L. Kalin, S. Mitra, S. Singh (2021), “Assessment of impact in groundwater levels and stream-aquifer interaction due to increased groundwater withdrawal in the lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin using MODFLOW”, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. Feb, 2021: Seval's manuscript has been accepted! Celik, S., C. Anderson, L. Kalin, M. Rezaeianzadeh (2021), "Long-term Salinity, Hydrology, and Forested Wetlands Along a Tidal Freshwater Gradient", Estuaries and Coasts. Jan, 2021: Dongjun Lee joined our team as a new PhD student. Nov, 2020: We received a new grant from National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: "A coupled natural-human framework for risk assessment of coastal communities from land-use and climate change". News Link Oct, 2020: Rasika's manuscript has been accepted! Ramesh, R., L. Kalin, M. Hantush, A. Chaudhary (2020), “A Secondary Assessment of Sediment Trapping Effectiveness by Vegetated Buffers”, Ecological Engineering. Oct, 2020: Dr. Kalin has been awarded Alumni Professorship. Sep, 2020: Ritesh Karki successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Ritesh! Sep, 2020: Dr Kalin and his research was highlighted by the Auburn University Water Resources Center. Link. Sep, 2020: Dr Kalin was selected as the Best Associate Editor for the Journal of Hydrologic Engineering in 2020. Aug, 2020: Kaleb Worku joined our team as a new PhD student. Aug, 2020: Henrique Haas successfully defended his MS thesis. Congratulations Henrique! Jun, 2020: Navideh's manuscript has been accepted!. Noori, N., L. Kalin, S. Isik (2020), “Water Quality Prediction Using SWAT-ANN Coupled Approach”, Journal of Hydrology. Jun, 2020: We received a new grant!!!! “Coupling SWAT and WetQual for Improved N, P, and C Processing in Wetland Dominated Agricultural Watersheds”, USDA-NIFA, 2020-2024, $499,932 (PI). Read more... Mar, 2020: Rasika's manuscript has been accepted! Ramesh, R., C. Anderson, L. Kalin (2020), “Characterizing Nitrogen Attenuation by Headwater Slope Wetlands across Different Land Uses”, Ecological Engineering. Jan, 2020: Furkan's manuscript has been accepted! Dosdogru, F., L. Kalin, R. Wang, H. Yen (2020), Potential Impacts of Land Use/Cover and Climate Changes on Ecologically Relevant Flows. Journal of Hydrology. |
Dr. LATIF KALINAlumni & Clinton McClure Professor, College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment |